I R W I N "C L A S S I C" 3 2
Over the years Irwin designed three 32ft boats: the 1988 Irwin 32 Citation, the Irwin 32.5 (Bill Watson) and what's called the Irwin "Classic" 32.
The "Classic" 32 was designed by Ted Irwin back in 1970 The Endeavour 32 as a dual-purpose cruiser-racer before the development of IOR. By 1975, IOR was in full swing and boats such as the Irwin 32 were obsolete as racers, especially since PHRF had not yet emerged to help handicap non-competitive boats race at the club level.
Although the "Classic" 32 had been out-designed for racing, the hull was still a nice, clean, conservative, and comfortable design for cruising.
The Irwin 32 was originally available either as a keel/centerboard boat drawing 3'6", or with a long fin keel drawing 5', and listed for $16,500.00 in their 1972 brochure. It appears that owners had a choice between the venerable 30hp Universal Atomic 4 gasoline engine or a 25hp Volvo MD-2B diesel auxilary engine, and an optional yawl rig was also available. However, by the time 'necessary options' were added, the sail away price was probably closer to $20,000
Sail areas: Mainsail (Sloop) 242sqft; Mainsail (Yawl) 216sqft; Mizzen (Yawl) 53; Working Jib (Lapper) 235sqft
In 1975 Ted Irwin who was then located in Tampa Bay, gave Brooks and Valdes the molds and tooling for the "Classic" 32 and in 1975 Endeavour bought the molds and tooling from and Endeavour's in-house production and design person Dennis Robbins took the Irwin 32 and modified it and the Endeavour 32 formed the basis for the fledging Endeavour Yacht Corporation.
The Irwin "Classic" 32 and the Endeavour 32 sail plans look identical and they have the same displacement, but the the E32 is listed as 4" wider, and 4" longer overall, and 6" longer on the waterline. It's unclear at this time if this was in fact true.
The Endeavour 32 was originally built as keel/centerboarder with the same configuration as the Irwin 32 (3'6" board up, 7'10" board down), or with a fixed shoal keel with 4'2" draft. The original Irwin deeper keel (5'0") was discontinued.